Sunday, August 5, 2012

Assignment 1 - Position Paper

Assignment 1

Modernism & it’s growth were governed by several factors, such as the emergence of new technology, development of new typologies; both in urban planning and building type,  responses to industrialization, etc. Different factor had impacts to varying degrees on different movements.

In your opinion, which was the single largest contributing factor to the rise of the early modern city, from around 1850 to the beginning of the first World War? Trace chronologically with concrete examples.

You can look at this in terms of movements, building typologies, ideas by individual architects, urban design, or important independent structures. Please base your writing on class notes and   the assigned reading.

The paper should be 2 pages minimum, types out with double spacing on A4 paper. A draft of the paper should be ready for our class on Thursday, 9th August for discussion. 

This counts as 50% of assessment 1

Class 6 - Frank Lloyd Wright and the development of the Prairie Style

Early influences and experiments
House Plans for the Ladies Home Journal
Larkin Building
Unity Temple
Robie House
Imperial Hotel Tokyo
